Village News

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Cladding on Hayle South Quay ASDA Supermarket

No, it should just oxidise down to a rich brown colour. Copper wld go green but this alloy shldnt.
That is not copper. It's a yellow metal alloy which probably contains a proportion of copper at 40% poss #brass

Via Minutes Hayle Town Council 3 July 2014

It was also reported that Simon Humphrey from Bowmer & Kirkland had warned that when the cladding was removed from the ASDA store the exterior finish of the building would be very bright and would take six weeks to dull down.  read more »

Penpol Bridge

In the original plans, ING offered two bridges from South Quay - one to Philps, one to Penpol Terrace

ING subsequently cut this back to a single bridge either to Philps or to Penpol Terrace. The one to Penpol Terrace was chosen by the public and Hayle Town Council

Hayle South Quay- Ground Investigation for Penpol Bridge | Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

Construction Dredging Removals (inc.

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140522 | East Quay | 2014 Coastal Community Fund | HayleHarbour | Facebook

Refurbished Hawkins Building - Sea Side
Refurbished Hawkins Building - Land Side

Via Facebook

2014 Coastal Community Fund

May 22, 2014 at 4:14pm

In April the Trust submitted an application for the 2014 round of the Coastal Community Fund. Our application is for £1.6 million and is for the refurbishment of the 1960's building currently housing the crustacean operation of Mr. Hawkins on East Quay.  read more »

140516 | Hayle beach campaigners given update on sluicing works at the harbour - Cornishman

Hayle beach campaigners given update on sluicing works at the harbour - Cornishman -

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PA14/00699 | Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA12/10064 to allow up to 40% of the foodstore's net retail s


Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA12/10064 to allow up to 40% of the foodstore's net retail sales area to be used for comparison goods

Land At South Quay Hayle Cornwall

Ref. No: PA14/00699 | Validated: Wed 29 Jan 2014 | Status: Pending Consideration  read more »