Village News

Christmas Lights


Cornwall Wildlife Trust response | PA16/03519 | Cranford Development Marsh Lane


June 7th 2016

Dear Mr Bainbridge,

Re. PA16/03519 Erection of retail development (Class A1), including all associated
access, servicing and infrastructure works, car parking, public realm improvements
and landscaping together with enhancement works including footpaths, bird hide and
landscaping to the nature reserve and surrounding land Hayle Retail Park And Marsh
Lane Nature Reserve Marsh Lane Hayle Cornwall
 read more »

PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predom

PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predominately (Includes Highway Consultation) | Co Op Stores 18 Copper Terrace Copperhouse Hayle Cornwall TR27 4EB
PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predominately (Includes Highway Consultation) | Co Op Stores 18 Copper Terrace Copperhouse Hayle Cornwall TR27 4EB
Covering letter - PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predominately (Includes Highway Consultation) | Co Op Stores 18 Copper Terrace Copperhouse Hayle Cornwall TR27 4EB
PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predominately (Includes Highway Consultation) | Co Op Stores 18 Copper Terrace Copperhouse Hayle Cornwall TR27 4EB
PA16/01651/PREAPP | Pre-Application advice for the redevelopment of food store site including carpark for residential use predominately (Includes Highway Consultation) | Co Op Stores 18 Copper Terrace Copperhouse Hayle Cornwall TR27 4EB

160519 Agent Letter | Rugby Club Development - Walker Developments

1879.001 - Site Layout
Appendix 1 - Comparison Goods Impact

Via OCR - please check the original

Your ref:
Our ref: MAS/Hayle
Direct tel: 07818553499
5th May 2015
By Email

Mr J. Content
Senior Development Officer
Planning Housing and Regeneration
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue
TR14 88X

Dear Jeremy  read more »

160505 | The Linden Homes, Penpol, planning appeal has been DISMISSED. A victory for the people of Hayle and their Town Counci

Just heard from Cllr. Coombe at Truro CC --

The Linden Homes, Penpol, planning appeal has been DISMISSED.  read more »