Village News

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150527 | Plans for new housing estate in Hayle backed by town council | The Cornishman


Plans for new housing estate in Hayle backed by town council

By CMChloe | Posted: May 27, 2015  read more »

150519 | Revised Hayle shopping park plans submitted | Insider Media


Revised Hayle shopping park plans submitted

Plans have been resubmitted for Hayle Shopping Park in Cornwall, a proposed £35m scheme which has the potential to create up to 600 jobs.  read more »

Compared plans - PA15/04394 and PA14/00532

Comparing the plan from with the latest plan shows the bund has moved to the east from the original proposal - encroaching even further upon Angarrack, and the staff car park extends the built area even nearer to the village.

1504 | Hayle Town Council considered the new twin-track Linden Homes planning application PA15/02777 and resolved to object exac


Linden Homes Planning Application

UPDATE - and see above

At its Full Council meeting last night, Hayle Town Council considered the new twin-track Linden Homes planning application PA15/02777 and resolved to object exactly as for PA14/09315 (see original below) with the added grounds for objection:  read more »