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Housing Land Availability Assessments around Angarrack | Cornwall Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2013

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments around Angarrack

According to Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments -  read more »

140811 | PA14/05328 | Erection of 17 dwellings | Westwood Timber Supplies 1 Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JG

PA14/05328 | Erection of 17 dwellings | Westwood Timber Supplies 1 Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JG

PA14/05328 | Erection of 17 dwellings | Westwood Timber Supplies 1 Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Hayle Cornwall TR27 5JG  read more »

140826 | PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings | Loggans Road, Hayle

PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle. Access to be provided off Loggans Road. | Land Off Loggans Road Loggans Road Hayle Cornwall TR

PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle. Access to be provided off Loggans Road. | Land Off Loggans Road Loggans Road Hayle Cornwall TR27 4PL  read more »

Hayle Options map | Hayle Framework - Options to 2030 | Nov 2011

Condition Number 27; Condition Number 28 Discharged on 18 August | PA14/06147 | Submission of details to discharge conditions 27

Please note this has been run through an OCR - for the original please refer to  read more »

Condition Number 8; Condition Number 11 Discharged on 24 July 2014 | PA14/06227 | Submission of details to discharge conditions

Disch of cond not all conditions agreed - PA14/06227 | Submission of details to discharge conditions 8, 11 and 12 attached to decision notice PA12/06501 | South Quay/ Carnsew Quay Hayle Harbour North Quay Hayle Cornwall TR27 4BL

Decision PA14/06227 24/07/2014  read more »