Village News

Christmas Lights


140123 | Grand plan: Debenhams, H&M, TK Maxx and 500 jobs | This is Cornwall

Grand plan: Debenhams, H&M, TK Maxx and 500 jobs | This is Cornwall


Grand plan: Debenhams, H&M, TK Maxx and 500 jobs

Thursday, January 23, 2014

West Briton

140123 | Plans for £35m shopping park in Hayle submitted to Cornwall Council | This is Cornwall:

Plans for £35m shopping park in Hayle submitted to Cornwall Council | This is Cornwall:


Plans for £35m shopping park in Hayle submitted to Cornwall Council

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CMChloe  read more »

Things to keep in mind when commenting on Planning

When deciding to make comments on planning applications you may have a wide range of comments to make from overwhelming support for an application, support in principle subject to detail changes to objection. In deciding what issues to raise, please note that the Council cannot consider all of them when assessing planning applications.

The Council can only take into account what are referred to as 'material planning considerations' when looking at your comments. The most common of these (although not an exhaustive list) are shown below:  read more »

Conditions attached to PA10/08142 (PA12/10064)

Please note this has been run through an OCR - for the original please refer to

Grant of Planning Permission

CORNWALL COUNCIL, being the Local Planning Authority, HEREBY GRANTS CONDITIONAL PERMISSION, subject to the conditions set out on the attached schedule, for the development proposed in the following application received on 10 December 2010 and accompanying plan(s):  read more »

Trenawin developments | Land At Trenawin Lane Connor Downs Cornwall

Trenawin developments

ASDA Supermarket - Hayle South Quay

08 May 2012 Decision Issued: Approved with conditions [Decision Notice] PA12/10064  read more »