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140206 | Rival Hayle retail park plans revealed by developer


Rival Hayle retail park plans revealed by developer

By The Cornishman

Thursday, February 06, 2014

A RETAIL development set to rival current plans for a new shopping park in Hayle has been unveiled.

Walker Developments is seeking planning permission for a 100,000sq ft development including up to ten retail units at the current Hayle Rugby Club ground, as well as creating a new £4.5m sports facility at Carwin Rise.

  1. Walker Developments are looking for planning permission for a retail park at the current Hayle Rugby Club site which would rival plans submitted for nearby Marsh Lane.

    Walker Developments are looking for planning permission for a retail park at the current Hayle Rugby Club site which would rival plans submitted for nearby Marsh Lane.

The proposals, which include shops and catering units, is in direct competition with Cranford Developments, which recently submitted plans to Cornwall Council for a similar retail park on land off Marsh Lane and has already signed up Debenhams and Outfit, subject to planning.

Richard Walker, director of Walker Developments, said the scheme, like Cranford's, would create up to 450 jobs but claims it would provide more benefits for the community.

"It is more like an expansion of the existing retail park. This is really to provide Hayle with a good out-of-town retail offer. The rugby club scheme delivers significant community development. The Cranford scheme just delivers retail," said Mr Walker. "The question we are asking people is do they want to see retail development or retail development and community benefit?"

Mr Walker said the plans for Hayle Rugby Club would see it become one of "the best rugby facilities in the county" with two playing pitches, one of which is artificial, a new clubhouse, four smaller training pitches as well as space for 120 cars.

Should planning permission be granted, Mr Walker said the retail site would generate funding for the sports facility for many years to come. Although retailers have yet to sign up, Mr Walker said he is confident the site would attract big names.

Proposals so far include 550 parking spaces, with a further 80 reserved for staff. Improvements to the A30 at Loggans Moor roundabout also feature in the plans, as well as increased pedestrian links including the creation of a new access point from Guildford Road.

If given the green light the developers said the retail park would be complete in 18 months.

Hayle mayor Jayne Ninnes said two developers competing for sites in Hayle could be a good thing as the town council wants to ensure it gets the right development for the town.

"The prospect of bringing more jobs to our town is exciting and if we can work with developers to provide a scheme that provides the right mix of retail and benefits to the town, while ensuring we improve traffic issues at key junctions and meet the needs of residents of Hayle, including Angarrack, then I can only see the prospect of competition as a good thing.

"It is great the rugby club is coming forward with plans which, if they satisfy planning needs, could provide improved sporting facilities for Hayle."

Walker Developments will hold a presentation for Hayle Town Council tonight to discuss the plans before launching a public consultation. The public can attend from 7.15pm at Hayle Community Centre.


  • Profile image for doowopper

    by doowopper

    Thursday, February 06 2014, 1:55PM

    “I much prefer this one to the other one across the road. Much better looking on the countryside and eye.”


Rival Hayle retail park plans revealed by developer