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140826 | PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings | Loggans Road, Hayle

PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle. Access to be provided off Loggans Road. | Land Off Loggans Road Loggans Road Hayle Cornwall TR27 4PL

Reference: PA13/03357/PREAPP
Alternative Reference: PP
Application Received: 11 Nov 2013
Address: Land Off Loggans Road Loggans Road Hayle Cornwall TR27 4PL
Proposal: Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle. Access to be provided off Loggans Road.
Status: Withdrawn
Appeal Status:  

Gilmore Planning Services

Phone 01326 251122
Mobile Phone 07887 845201


Important Dates

Application Validated Date: 15 Nov 2013
Actual Committee Date:  
Latest Neighbour Consultation Date:  
Neighbour Consultation Expiry Date:  
Standard Consultation Date: 03 Dec 2013
Standard Consultation Expiry Date: 24 Dec 2013
Last Advertised In Press Date:  
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Last Site Notice Posted Date:  
Latest Site Notice Expiry Date:  
Decision Issued Date: 22 Aug 2014
Determination Deadline: 31 Dec 2013


Case Number :PA13/03357/PREAPP

 Name or DetailReceived Date
Pre-application form11/11/2013
 Name or DetailReceived Date
area site plan plus listed building16/12/2013
 Name or DetailReceived Date
01 - Location Plan11/11/2013
 Name or DetailReceived Date
Highways Agency04/12/2013
PA13/03357/PREAPP | Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle. Access to be provided off Loggans Road. | Land Off Loggans Road Loggans Road Hayle Cornwall TR

PA13/03357/PREAPP | Public Comments (5) Consultee Comments (5)

Ms Ethel Simmons (Objects)

Comment submitted Thu 13 Mar 2014

I would like to put forward my concerns about the pre-planning development of the field on Loggans Road, Hayle. As I am visually impaired, to cross the road at the moment is difficult in the summer it is virtually impossible, especially as we have no pavement on my side of the road which means that to go out anywhere I have to cross the road. With another two cars per household and no pavement for the children to use to go to school they are forced to cross a very busy road and I foresee more accidents happening in the future. If in the future a traffic survey is carried out it needs to be done in the summer between the hours of 08.00am and 18.00pm not early morning or late evening. There are many reasons not to build, the wild life which frequents the field; also the Mill would be surrounded by development and no one will see its potential and if we carry on building like this Hayle will join Conner Downs and Camborne. Where in Hayle there are still some brown field sites available to build on.

Miss tam trevorrow (Neutral)

Comment submitted Sat 30 Nov 2013

As a Cornish resident i feel that any development of this land must incorporate access to Loggan's Mill. The council seem to have cut off their own access below by building houses?? - The Mill is a listed building and is of great historic significance. The council needs to respect this building and build on its history, look to the future by combining economic, social, environmental and cultural development in a balanced and sustainable way. Not left too rot and crumble. I feel that it should be turned into a part of Hayle's 'centre' that serves the community in a way Heartlands have. Hayle could really do with something like this... A piece of history, cinema etc etc all rolled into one.

Miss Carli Summer (Objects)

Comment submitted Mon 25 Nov 2013

It has disturbed me to watch the historic and beautiful Loggan's Mill building slowly crumbling and being hemmed in by ugly housing estates and a supermarket. I am worried that this new housing application could be the last nail in the coffin for this important piece of Hayle heritage and I will be extremely vocal about my opposition unless a stipulation is agreed that ensures access is retained to the mill in order for this lovely old building to be restored for use as a community space.

Mrs Rebecca Osborne (Neutral)

Comment submitted Mon 25 Nov 2013

I agree with F.McGowan, this development must incorporate access to Loggan's Mill which I understand is a listed building and could be developed into a community facility rather than being left shrouded in scaffolding.

Ms Fiona McGowan (Objects)

Comment submitted Mon 25 Nov 2013

It is vital that any development on this land allows access to Loggan's Mill - a listed building of important heritage status that can be developed into a community centre, incorporating a climbing wall / multi-use sports space / caf? and heritage site. If the residential development takes place without taking into account access to Loggan's Mill, the building will be effectively cut off. As a resident of Hayle, I think that this is unacceptable.

West Historic Environment Service

Comment Date: Wed 04 Dec 2013

Thank you for consulting Historic Environment Advice (Archaeology) on this proposal. The adjacent fields had an archaeological assessment recently which concluded that no further investigation was necessary. For risk management an archaeological geophysical survey could be undertaken, but the area was regarded as having a low potential. Phil Markham Historic Environment Planning Advice Officer

Highway Development Management - Major

Comment Date: Tue 26 Nov 2013

Re the above pre app The site is located on edge of Hayle within acceptable walking distance of local facilities and bus stops served by relatively frequent services. You may be aware that the adjacent site for the business park was recently refused (in line with Highways recommendation), partly due to concerns on the operation of Carwin Rise junction. Whilst this development would not have the same level of impact, due to the capacity issues on the local network I would require the applicant to submit a Transport Statement in line with DfT2007 guidance prepared by suitably qualified transport and highways consultant. Access to the development should accord with the recently completed road safety scheme implemented in response to a fatal accident involving a child. Careful consideration of pedestrian footways and crossing points will be required. Details of a site access with emerging visibility for vehicles in line with Manual for Streets guidance would also be required. The internal layout should be designed in such a way as to ensure a low speed environment, again in line with Manual for Streets, and level of residential parking provision should be based on anticipated car ownership of residents to minimise overspill of parking onto the adjacent roads ' I would suggest minimum of 2 spaces for 3+ beds homes, and at least 1.5 spaces per unit across the development. (Note, garages with internal dimensions less than 3m x 6m would not be counted as a parking space) To mitigate the cumulative impact of the additional development related trips on the wider local and strategic network a contribution to the Hayle Transport Strategy would be required. The level of contribution is based on a cost per peak hour trip tariff which currently equates to ?3,069 per open market unit, and ?1,747per affordable house.

Affordable Housing

Comment Date: Wed 18 Dec 2013

PA13/03357/PREAPP Pre-Application Advice for proposed residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land north east of Loggans, Hayle. 10 December 2013 Housing need Hayle has a significant affordable housing need, with 585 households listed on the Council's housing register with a local connection (September 2013). Of this, 273 households are in Bands A-D. The requirement for new affordable housing (across all bands) is evenly split, with approximately half of applicants requiring 1-bedroom housing, and half requiring family sized accommodation of 2 or more bedrooms. As a result of the unmet need, the Affordable Housing Team (AHT) requires residential growth in the area to provide affordable housing in line with the Council's planning policy position. Scheme assessment and affordable housing requirement The proposed development site is approximately 1.3ha, and lies within the former Penwith Local Plan area. At typical development densities, the site is likely to deliver in the region of 30-46 dwellings. This accords with the indicative information provided by the applicant. So far, no information has been provided to indicate the tenure of the homes proposed. The AHT has therefore assumed that the proposal is for a mixed development of market and affordable housing. As the site lies outside of the development boundary, the Penwith Local Plan would consider the site an exception site. As such, only a limited amount of growth could be supported. However, to inform the emerging Local Plan and to provide managed growth over the next few years, areas such as Hayle have recently undertaken an informal Town Framework process. The Framework has not been adopted by the Council or the community, and as such only limited weight can be attributed to the document. However, the Framework was undertaken in consultation with the local community, and there is therefore merit in considering its recommendations. In that regard, whilst acknowledging there may be challenges in relation to flooding, the Framework does consider this to be an acceptable site (in principle) for growth, and indicates that it would be one of the preferred areas for development in the area. Taking all of this into consideration, the AHT has based its requirements on Policy 8 of the emerging Local Plan. This applies to sites that are considered to be acceptable in principle, and often relate to sites on the edge of the county's larger towns. Consequently, we will require 40% affordable housing to be provided, which is consistent with the policy and NPPF. Based on the densities above, this would generate a requirement for 12-18.4 units of affordable housing. For the avoidance of doubt, regardless of density, 40% of the site should be provided as affordable housing. In circumstances where this generates a fraction of a home (i.e. 18.4 units), 18 homes should be provided as on-site affordable housing, with the remaining 0.4 to be provided as off-site contribution to assist with the delivery of affordable housing elsewhere. The AHT has determined (in accordance with paragraph 50 of the NPPF) that the contribution required would amount to ?57,000 per whole unit, inclusive of an enabling fee. Should a fraction be generated, it will be multiplied by the tariff figure to determine the off-site contribution rate (i.e. ?57,000 x 0.4 = ?22,800). The emerging Local Plan requires a range of tenures to be provided. On this site, at least 70% of the affordable units should be provided as rented housing, with the remaining 30% to be provided as intermediate housing for sale. No detailed information has been provided as to the mix of units proposed; however, we will expect the site to provide a range of affordable homes, including flats/houses of 1-4 bedrooms. This will be in order to meet the local need from the Council's housing register. Taking all of this into consideration, the Affordable Housing Team will require the scheme to provide the following mix of affordable housing: Affordable rented housing: 15% x 1-bedroom (2-person) flats/houses; 25% x 2-bedroom (4-person) houses; 20% x 3-bedroom (6-person) houses; and, 10% x 4-bedroom (8-person) houses. Total = 70% affordable rented units Intermediate housing for sale: 20% x 2-bedroom (4-person) houses; and 10% x 3-bedroom (6-person) houses. Total = 30% intermediate homes for sale As this is a large mixed development, it is important that the affordable units are well-integrated throughout the site, which will help to promote a mixed and balanced community, and prevent social exclusion. Consequently, we will require the affordable homes to be provided in clusters of no more than 10-units, throughout the development. Further guidance on this can be provided if necessary. Due to the size and prominence of this scheme, it is important that the development addresses the needs of the wider community. It is therefore also necessary to consider the individual needs of different groups within the community. To ensure that the scheme will benefit families, couples and older or less mobile households, a minimum of 10% of the affordable homes should be provided to meet the Lifetime Homes standard. This will ensure that these properties have the ability to meet the changing needs of the residents over time. Policy 8 of the emerging Local Plan explains that 'planning obligations will be used to ensure that affordable housing is provided and retained for eligible local households'. The Council will therefore expect priority to be given to households with a local connection to Hayle upon allocation or sale. General affordable housing notes Affordable housing is provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the market. This can include Affordable Rented homes or Intermediate Housing for sale. Affordable rented housing is let by Registered Providers (RPs) to households who cannot afford to buy or rent on the open market. Rent is capped at no more than 80% of local market rent (inclusive of service charges). Homes are let through the housing register and the Council requires nomination rights to these properties. Intermediate housing covers a range of products and is aimed at first-time buyers and those looking to own their home. The full list is defined in the NPPF but can include: Low cost housing, which is sold at a discounted percentage of open market value. This can be provided by RPs or the private sector. In the Hayle area, this should be at no more than 80% of Open Market Value, to ensure affordability to local households; and/or, Homebuy (also known as Shared Ownership), which is owned and managed by RPs. An initial proportion of the property is sold to the purchaser (usually approximately 40%), with the remainder retained by the RP who charges rent until the home is owned outright. Design, quality and delivery Housing growth should be of a high quality of design (in line with criteria 7 of the NPPF), with the affordable housing designed and built to at least the HCA's Design and Quality Standards or HQI requirements (as appropriate). Moreover, affordable housing should be indistinguishable from market housing in design, materials used, and form. The Council requires homes to be built and sold and will not accept an offer of plots or land. Affordable homes should be delivered in advance of market housing, in clusters of no more than 10 affordable homes throughout the site. Working with RPs There are a number of RPs working in Cornwall to develop and manage affordable housing. The Council's position is that homes are built and sold to RPs for a price that they can afford to pay without grant or subsidy. Planning obligations (s106) Policy 8 of the emerging Local Plan explains that 'planning obligations will be used to ensure that affordable housing is provided and retained for eligible local households'. This will be achieved through a Section 106 agreement, which will contain provisions to control initial and future rent levels and sales values. Occupancy of affordable dwellings will be restricted to qualifying persons with a local connection. Heads of terms for s106s must be agreed with the Affordable Housing Team prior to submission and be included with an application. The Council's current s106 templates are available here: Sam Irving Principal Development Officer, Cornwall Council For further information, please contact the above officer on 01872 224420 or via email at


Highways Agency

Our ref: as below
Your ref: PA13/03357/PREAPP

Sally Parish
Asset Manager
Level 1
Ash House
Falcon Road
Sowton industrial Estate
Exeter EX2 TLB

Direct Line: 01392 312505
4 December 2013

Andrew Golay
Planning, Housing & Regeneration Service
Cornwall Council
Circuit House
Pydar Street
Cornwall TR1 1EB

Via email:

Dear Mr Golay

A30(T): Pre-application advice for residential development of 30-40 dwellings on land identified by Cornwall Council as an urban extension to Hayle, with access to be provided of Loggans Road - land off Loggans Road, Hayle, Cornwall

Thank you for your letter of 3 December seeking the Agency’s comments regarding proposed residential development off Loggans Road.

The proposed scale of development falls below the Df'l"s Guidance on Transport Assessment threshold for a Transport Statement (TS). However, as it will contribute to a cumulative traffic impact at the A30 Loggans Moor and Canlvin Rise roundabouts, which have known capacity and safety issues, we would expect that a TS should be produced in this case which should identify the traffic impact at these junctions in particular.

However, it is suggested that this housing development will form part of a wider urban extension. Although pinch point funding has been secured to implement a scheme at Loggans Moor, these improvements will only address existing problems and will not sufficiently increase capacity to accommodate long term growth. The Agency would want to avoid applications coming forward piecemeal where there should be consideration of a wider transport strategy to assess the overall impact of an urban extension.

If you wish to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact.

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