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130621 | United Nations call for halt on supermarket build on Hayle mining heritage site | The Cornishman


United Nations call for halt on Hayle supermarket

By CMScott
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Condition 30 overturned - PA12/10064 | Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA10/08142 to allow for 30% of the

Approved with conditions - PA12/10064 | Variation of condition 30 attached to decision notice PA10/08142 to allow for 30% of the permitted net sales area to be used for the sale of comparison goods. | South Quay Hayle Cornwall

Decision Notice  03/01/2013  read more »

ING South Quay, Hayle - Planning 2012 and earlier

Planning coverage from before building commenced - ie pre September 2013