Village News

Christmas Lights


Lights Cherrypicker Day 1 - Angarrack Christmas Lights

Nov 14 , 2017 - Tue - 8:00 am

Angarrack Christmas Lights cherry picker - the big push... FIRST DAY!

Meet 8am Tue 14 November

All helpers very gratefully received - there are many jobs to do not all of them strenuous!

Refreshments and bacon and veggie sarnies available.

Please take extra care driving around the village with the cherry picker in operation and all the Elves out and about.


Halloween Party | Angarrack Inn

Oct 28 , 2017 - Sat - 9:00 pm
Sat 28th October, 9pm - late. Prizes for Best Fancy Dress - Drink pecials - All Welcome (For More Information: 01736 752380)

Hobby Afternoon 15 Sept - Angarrack Community Centre

Sep 15 , 2017 - Fri - 2:00 pm
First hobby afternoon after the summer break.

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing - for example, knitting or sewing - or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

Hobby Afternoon 7 July - Angarrack Community Centre

Jul 7 , 2017 - Fri - 2:00 pm
Last hobby afternoon before the summer break.

Angarrack's fortnightly hobby afternoon takes place today between 2pm and 4.30pm at the Angarrack Community Centre.

Come along and bring something that you enjoy doing - for example, knitting or sewing - or just come along for a chat and a cup of tea!

Admission is £2. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Jul 14 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Aug 11 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Sep 8 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Jun 30 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Jul 28 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.

Coffee Morning - Angarrack Community Centre

Aug 25 , 2017 - Fri - 10:00 am
Angarrack's fortnightly coffee morning takes place today between 10am and noon at the Angarrack Community Centre. All welcome.