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August 2011 | hayle harbour :: regeneration news

Revised plans presented - suggested these would be the final plans - is that the third set of final plans?

Striking changes for Harbour

Award winning architects Feilden Clegg Bradley have designed a striking new landmark building for South Quay which will house a 2500 sq metre food store.

Mousehole born architect Matt Williams said, "We wanted to create a sculptural shape or form that would recognise the industrial heritage of Hayle whilst disguising the function of the foodstore".

The designs were developed from over 25 hours of Heritage workshops, which shaped the design and presence of the buildings on the Quay.

The professional team working on the project including Matt attended monthly Liaison Group meetings to discuss all aspects of the scheme.

The architects have worked closely with Heritage expert Stephen Levrant who has advised the team on the historical layout of buildings on the quay through the years.

In terms of the required flood defences Matt said, "We are pleased to have incorporated the flood defences into the buildings thus halting the need for cumbersome concrete barriers and allowing the public open spaces to be retained on the same original level".

Broadcasting Tower, Leeds

In terms of materials – Matt Williams explained "We have begun to talk to various groups about the use of Corten, which has been the material of choice for some of the world's most striking buildings". FCB won the best tall building in the world in 2010 with their striking Broadcasting Tower in Leeds (left).

Matt does point out that there are a number of other material options, including bronze and brass.

This additional submission is in response to the Strategic Planning Committee's decision on 9 February 2011 to defer determination of the planning application for a period of six months to facilitate further discussions and the provision of additional information on the following elements of the scheme:

  • Design and Layout
  • Delivery of the Cinema
  • Delivery of the Footbridge
  • Concerns raised in the Environmental Statement regarding the possible impact on the existing fishing industry and heritage considerations
  • Conclusion of all Heads of Terms to include heritage and design


The Proposed Development

In summary the amendments to the hybrid planning application comprise:

  • A food store totaling 5,230 sq ms gross external area
    (including a net sales area of 2,550 sq ms) and 267 car-parking spaces;
  • An ancillary restaurant/Bar - at the northern end of the main car park
    (Use Class A3 or A4);
  • Three non-food retail unit (Use Class A1) on Foundry Yard with a total of 43 car-parking spaces;
  • A feature restaurant (Use Class A3) located at the northern tip of South Quay;
  • Public realm improvements to include the creation of a significant new area of public realm including a promenade around the perimeter of South Quay, The Point (at the northern end of the quay), enhancements to Isis Garden and other incidental areas of public space, including footpath links and hard and soft ancillary landscaped areas;
  • A new highway junction on Carnsew Road and improvements to the existing road network in the immediate vicinity of the site;
  • Associated infrastructure including the construction of a raised platform and related flood management measures; 30 residential units on South Quay, comprising 20 townhouses with integral garages and rooftop gardens and 10 apartments;
  • Enhanced interpretation of the sites heritage assets and Provision for a new footbridge from South Quay to Penpol Terrace;

The key alterations between the original December 2010 submission and the amendments now proposed include a number of design related changes:

  • Reduction in overall footprint of development on South Quay
  • Changes to the residential layout
  • Enhancements to the public realm
  • Revised approach to the food store and parking area.

Heritage considerations have centred upon the re-introduction of sluicing at Carnsew Pool and proposals that will allow for the potential future reinstatement of the former Carnsew Dock.

In order to accommodate existing fishermen and leisure users and provide a Sustainable Future Management Plan for Hayle harbour the application now also includes a unique World Heritage Site Levy. This involves ground rent charges across the whole of the ING masterplan area (excludes Marine Renewables Business Park) so to provide a long term self funding future for the harbour.

It is proposed that ownership of the harbour will be transferred to a local community trust thus making this a truly unique Community owned and run Harbour that is completely sustainable and run by Hayle for the benefit of Hayle. Details of the key amendments to the scheme and the philosophy underpinning the design and heritage revisions are discussed in more detail below.

It is to be noted that the amendments to the application have been the subject of extensive consultation with key Stakeholders including, inter alia, representatives of the Town Council, Harvey's Foundry Trust, CABE, English Heritage and ICOMOS. In total five Workshops, Chaired by Mark Pearson, on behalf of Cornwall Council, have taken place. The brief for these Workshops was to inform design development based on local perceptions and knowledge of the site and its context and to discuss alternative approaches to the location, massing and architectural treatment of the built form. The Workshops were attended by representatives of the ING professional team including Architects, Heritage Architects, Planning Consultants, Landscape Architects and the above mentioned Stakeholders, where possible. The output from these meetings has informed the amendments to the application which are now considered to relate more closely to the history and heritage of Hayle and the post industrial character of the site.

These amendments create a more generous and usable public realm, which relates more comfortably with Isis Garden and Foundry Square (where further enhancements are proposed). The relationship between the proposed retail development on either side of Carnsew Road has been improved, resulting in the creation of a new 'gateway' when approaching the town from the west. The character, form and configuration of the proposed residential development has been significantly amended to better reflect the site's industrial heritage and the benefits associated with the development are more clearly defined in terms of their significance to the Conservation Area, the listed quayside and the Outstanding Universal Values of the World Heritage Site.

Hayle Harbour Liaison Group has brought together residents of Hayle who are involved in diverse organisations and pressure groups to discuss every aspect of the scheme to try and understand more clearly what the people of Hayle want. These organisations include Hayle Residents Association, Hayle Harbour User Group, Hayle Harbour Trust, Save our Sands.


Design Philosophy

Based on the further heritage input, FCB has reviewed the original application submission. The location of the food store and its associated parking, relative to the existing quay, has been amended to better reflect the historic pattern of development on the site and to generate a vibrant and permeable new public realm, relating both to the town centre at Foundry Square and to Penpol Creek.

The character of the residential development has been informed by the industrial heritage of the site with no reference to traditional vernacular residential form. The most significant and visible historic assets, as revealed through the Workshop process, further archaeological investigation and the review of heritage considerations are the remains of Carnsew Dock and the sluicing mechanism from Carnsew Pool. These are now fully integrated into the proposed layout thereby adding to the narrative of Hayle's role in the WHS. The design amendments provide for heritage enhancements and leaving archaeology remains in situ, but allow for the interpretation of the site's past by responding to the historical patterns of development on the quay (see Heritage Statement and Heritage Impact Assessment). Notably the proposals now provide:

  • A larger open space at the northern tip of South Quay;
  • Revised proposal for a feature restaurant as part of a mixed use element at the northern tip of South Quay;
  • An amended design and layout for the residential units, taking the form of a liner block of 20 townhouses with integral garages and roof top gardens. Six apartments are also proposed above the feature restaurant at the northern tip of the Quay and four apartments in a block to the north of the foodstore car park.
  • Re-siting and redesign of the food store, its car park and the associated freestanding retail units on South Quay and Foundry Yard; and further enhancement of public spaces around South Quay and linkages to the town centre via Carnsew Road and Isis Garden.
  • Substantial reduction in the raised ground area required for flood defence purposes, allowing the quayside Promenade to remain at its historic level.


Hayle Harbour Community ownership Plan (World Heritage Site Levy).

The Harbour defines Hayle and a working Port creates an identity for the town. We have given great thought as to how the future operation of Hayle Harbour can be sustained given the losses that the harbour historically has incurred and the small amount of revenue the commercial fishing delivers. Historically the harbour has accommodated between 20-30 part time and full time commercial fishermen.

Opportunities for increased revenue do exist but are uncertain. Therefore our plan to pass ownership of Hayle Harbour to a group of Hayle Trustees needs clear revenue streams. A proposed World Heritage Site Levy will achieve these. It is proposed that the levy will be placed on all houses and commercial occupiers in the Harbour. The majority of levy will come from the new houses, which will be built.

This will mean Hayle Harbour's future will be secure and the operation will pass to the control of the community.

The Plan seeks to accommodate existing fishermen and leisure users, provide additional moorings and promote a management plan that will ensure that users are not disadvantaged during periods of construction. The quay walls will be repaired and where necessary new walls will be created. Access to the moorings along the Promenade will be by trolleys but occasional vehicular access will be allowed by prior approval with the Harbour Authority. Emergency access will be allowed at all times.


Securing the long-term future of Hayle fisherman

As well as recently completing a new lease for a new enhanced compound for the fishermen on North Quay following recent consultation there is also a commitment for long-term storage to be provided on North Quay. Additional moorings will also be provided so that the commercial fisherman can cluster together to help with the number one issue mentioned during meetings, that of security.



Sluicing is fundamental for many reasons:

In order to improve the working of the harbour the development will bring forward the re-introduction of sluicing at Carnsew Pool and this will comprise the replacement of the Mitre Gates within a refurbished sluicing channel at the southern end of Carnsew Channel and the reinstatement of the Penstocks and controls in the refurbished Carnsew Tunnels.

The re-introduction of sluicing is considered to represent a significant heritage benefit which underpins the working of the harbour in a manner that responds to the site's World Heritage status and represents an integral part of its Outstanding Universal Value. The surviving sluice at Carnsew is a rare example and its repair and reconditioning into a fully functional sluicing operation will be almost unique in this country. This has the benefit of providing an authentic repair by replacing the decayed and missing elements of the system, whist fulfilling the original function of keeping the Carnsew channel clear for shipping. It retains and restores the presently lost integrity of the Carnsew Pool and Channel and with the surviving masonry structures will be a valuable interpretation aid to the understanding of the heritage of the site.

The potential impacts and benefits of re-introducing sluicing were examined at the Outline Planning Application stage for the wider harbour regeneration. The Environmental Statement that accompanied the OPA set out how sluicing would provide a sediment management function, resulting in a net reversal of the general movement of sediment which currently migrates into the harbour. In order to mitigate the possible negative environmental impacts, it is proposed to adopt the sluicing regime for which outline approval already exists. This is addressed in greater detail in the Harbour Sluicing and Heritage Briefing Papers.

The reintroduction of Sluicing is fundamental to the future transition of Harbour ownership from ING to Community Trust. Without sluicing the harbour may need a dredging regime, which would prove too expensive for any incoming organisation to fund.

Sluicing is a critical component to the future security of Hayle Harbour and will provide a unique attraction that will draw attention to the harbour and Hayle.

The reintroduction of sluicing has been welcomed by Save our Sands, who are mindful of the significant environmental benefits sluicing will bring to Hayle Beach and the Towans.

In addition to the above, it is intended to reveal that part of Carnsew Dock that falls within ING's ownership whilst maintaining access to Carnsew Pool and The Spit. In order to achieve this, part of the infilled area is now to be removed. This will allow for future restoration of the dock, which lies under land owned by others, comes forward for development in the future.


Pedestrian Bridge

The hybrid application promotes a pedestrian footbridge link from South Quay to Penpol Terrace. The Council, in consultation with the local community is currently considering whether the location highlighted on the submitted application drawings is the most appropriate. The position of the bridge is subject to securing all necessary approvals and ING will be offering to make a financial contribution secured through the S106 legal agreement. Should an alternative location be deemed more suitable, then the financial contribution can be used for this purpose and a revised permission can be sought.



Whilst a community cinema was proposed in December 2010, it has proved impossible to accommodate the requirements of the preferred operator for this subsidised facility, whilst at the same time reducing the overall footprint of the development on the quayside as considered necessary by English Heritage. Accordingly, it is now proposed to deliver a commercial cinema as part of a mixed leisure hub on North Quay, building upon the commercial floor space already committed within this area under the approved master plan (LPA Ref 08-0613-P).

The movement of the Cinema to North Quay has been discussed at length with the Hayle Harbour Liaison Group and the feedback given was that the location of the Cinema on North Quay was acceptable.

It is seen that this will provide a community focus on North Quay that will provide a high level of vitality on the principal link between the town centre and the Towans area and the beaches beyond. It is to be noted that the infrastructure works to access North Quay are currently under construction (LPA Ref 08-1721). Negotiations will continue between ING, Cornwall Council and potential operators to identify how the cinema can best be delivered.


Benefits of the Design Changes

The wider community benefits of these amendments are set out in the Briefing papers (See links on right), but in summary comprise:

Heritage Benefits

  • Repair and restoration of the Sluicing;
  • Preservation of historic grade levels of part of the wharf areas of the Quay, intended to be totally covered;
  • Expedient repairs and reconditioning of quay walls;
  • Provision of public access to the full length of the quay;
  • Improved permeability and linkages to through Isis Garden to the Foundry Square and the Foundry;
  • Preservation of the harbour in active and continued use with provision for its maintenance and care in perpetuity through the medium of an independent Trust;
  • Provision of high quality interpretation explaining the history and significance of the site.


Harbour Management Benefits

  • Enhancement of Fishermen's facilities on North Quay.
  • Enhancement of security for fishermen;
  • Long term commitment to storage facilities for fishermen;
  • Reintroduction of Sluicing
  • The future footbridge proposals will not reduce number of boats in the harbour;
  • South Quay will remain available for local moorings and present no threat to fishermen or leisure boat users;
  • World Heritage Levy will provide revenue to protect Hayle Harbour and cover the costs of maintaining and running the harbour in the long term.


Retail / Economic Benefits

  • The deficiency in main food and comparison goods shopping in Hayle town centre will be addressed;
  • Promotion of greater competition with similar foodstores elsewhere, resulting in greater choice and competition to the benefit of customers and particularly socially excluded groups;
  • Delivery of more sustainable patterns of development, reducing the need to travel by car by local residents and respond to climate change;
  • Improved economic performance of Hayle and the building of a more prosperous community;
  • Promotion of regeneration and deprivation in the local area tackled;
  • Enhancement of the overall vitality and viability of Hayle's town centres.


Highways Benefits

  • Promotion of a pedestrian/cycle footbridge that will link the site to Penpol Terrace, shortening the walking distance to the site;
  • Provision of a new pedestrian connection through Isis Garden, providing better pedestrian permeability through the existing viaduct and further improving links between the town centre and the site;
  • Delivery of a new 'straight-across' signal-controlled pedestrian crossings on all of the arms of the site access junction;
  • Provision of 15% less traffic passing through Foundry Square compared with the Outline Planning Permission (LPA Ref W1/08-0613) whilst providing additional traffic capacity at this junction through minor amendments to its geometry;
  • Reduction in the number of food shopping trips on the strategic highway (A30) network as residents will no longer need to travel to other towns for their shopping. There will be an overall reduction in traffic passing through the St Erth and Loggans Moor junctions on the A30.


Public Realm Benefits

  • Improved links to and from Foundry Square and the Town Centre;
  • Introduction of a shared surface to encourage movement across Carnsew Road which, combined with new paving, lighting, seating and tree planting, will help to characterise the space, allowing it to feel much more connected to both the town centre and South Quay;
  • Improved links through to the Old Foundry via the Foundry Yard retail development are also proposed, whilst also providing a potential site for the Goonvean Engine;
  • Provision of the Eastern Quayside will provide a generous promenade for pedestrians that will direct movement to the northern tip of the Quay;
  • The Eastern Quayside will also provide a flexible outdoor performance space for use by the local community, offering opportunities for both informal and more formal performances and events;
  • Western Quay will also offer a distinct character associated with the reinstatement of Carnsew Dock and through the introduction of a lowered slipway will allow visitors visible references to the historic slipways and original Quay walls associated with Carnsew Dock.


Wider Community Benefits

  • A wide range of employment opportunities through the creation of jobs, including construction jobs;
  • Financial contributions towards infrastructure improvements including public transport measures, the provision of a pedestrian footbridge, off-site highway works;
  • Delivery of a safer and more visually attractive environment.



The heritage and design amendments are a direct determined response to the Strategic Planning Committee's decision to defer determination of the application in February 2011.

The changes to the scheme and the additional documentation produced have been the subject of a series of rigorous Consultation Workshops and meetings with various stakeholders, including the Town Council, Cornwall Council, English Heritage, CABE and the Environment Agency.

Diverse and vocal local groups have been engaged to understand the views of the people of Hayle.

It is clear that the additional documentation submitted and the proposed amendments respond to the comments raised by the Strategic Planning Committee whilst sensitively balancing heritage, design and viability considerations to produce a landmark regeneration proposal which will benefit local residents of Hayle and the wider community.

Most significantly these proposals deliver a structure through the ground rents of the World Heritage Site Levy to allow Hayle Harbour to be operated for the community by the community with the commitment of the developer to transfer ownership of this unique asset to a local community trust.

In the 28 years since the Harbour was auctioned, not one of the 4 previous owners of the Harbour has put together such a comprehensive plan to protect the future operation of Hayle Harbour.

Overall, the proposals for South Quay and Foundry Yard offer clear and significant benefits which will assist in revitalising a prominent and derelict site in the centre of Hayle which has been promised regeneration for 35 years and most importantly provide Hayle Harbour with a delivery plan for a sustainable future.


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