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Approved with conditions |PA17/00002 | Construction of double garage with storage area to first floor within the garden boundary

Demolition of existing garage, retaining access and the resiting and reconstruction of garage - 5 Riverside Angarrack TR27 5JD

Ref. No: PA17/00002 | Received date: Mon 02 Jan 2017 | Status: Approved with conditions | Case Type: Planning Application


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Development Management

Planning and Sustainable Development
Application number: PA17/00002

Expiry date: 10 March 2017

Received on: 2 January 2017

Neighbour expiry date: 6 February 2017

UPRN: 100040105137                                                        Consultation expiry date: 6 February 2017

Legal agreement: N                                                                  Site notice posted:

Departure: N                                                                             Site notice expiry:

Complies with Development Plan? Y/N
If not, ensure you cover in the report how
material considerations outweigh the plan?
Is this decision contrary to local council recommendation? N
Site Address:
Application Type:

Mr S Hall
5 Riverside
TR27 5JD
Demolition of existing garage, retaining access and the
resiting and reconstruction of garage
Full application

Description of site and development:

This application is for various works to a property known as 5 Riverside, Angarrack.
The property is a two storey detached dwellinghouse, located in the centre of
Angarrack. The property has amenity space on all elevations and an existing detached
garage to the south east of the site.
With regard to neighbouring properties, the area is characterised with detached two
storey dwellinghouses.
The proposal is to demolish the existing garage, retain the access and resite and
reconstruct the garage. The proposed garage will be located 12m to the south eastern
tip of the site. The proposed garage will be two storeys, with three rooflights. The
entrance to the garage will be on the weste elevation with a single door and double
roller doors. The garage will be rendered and tiled to match the existing.
The site lies within a Critical Drainage Area (CDA).
Relevant planning history-

Public representations:

None received to date.

Consultee representations:
Hayle Town Council ( 17 February 2017)
“No objection.”

Constraints and designations:

5km Buffer to AONB

Name: CORNWALL. Designation Date: Nov-59.

Area of Special Advertisement Control Name: Cornwall. Notes: This information is
derived from the former District and Borough Councils. Date Approved: 09.11.1981
Critical Drainage Area

Critical Drainage Area Name: Hayle. CDA Type: Red

Meteorological Safeguarding Zone
Location: Camborne Met Station.
Consultation required for any developments involving wind turbines


Meteorological Safeguarding Zone
Location: Camborne Met Station. Criteria: Any
building, structure or works exceeding 91.4m in height above ground level
Neighbourhood Development Plans
Frameworks. Date Made:

Name: Hayle. Status: Areas designated/Town

Parish Parish Name: Hayle
Railway Line within 200m Name: Plymouth - Penzance. Type: Standard Gauge Track
SSSI Impact Risk Zones All Consultations:
Pipelines, pylons and overhead cables. Any transport proposal
including road, rail and by water (excluding routine maintenance). Airports, helipads
and other aviation proposals.
Wind & Solar Energy: Solar schemes with footprint > 0.5ha, all wind turbines.
Mining, Oil and Gas: Planning applications for quarries, including: new proposals,
Review of Minerals Permissions (ROMP), extensions, variations to conditions etc. Oil &
gas exploration/extraction.
Rural Non Residential:
Large non residential developments outside existing
settlements/urban areas where footprint exceeds 1ha.
Residential: Residential development of 50 units or more.
Rural Residential: Any residential development of 50 or more houses outside existing
settlements/urban areas.
Air Pollution:
Any industrial/agricultural development that could cause AIR
POLLUTION (incl: industrial processes, pig & poultry units, slurry lagoons > 200m³ &
manure stores > 250t).
Combustion: General combustion processes >20MW energy input. Incl: energy from
waste incineration, other incineration, landfill gas generation plant, Page 2 of 6 pyrolysis/gasification, anaerobic digestion, sewage treatment works, other incineration/ combustion. Waste: Landfill. Incl: inert landfill, non-hazardous landfill, hazardous landfill. Composting: Any composting proposal with more than 75000 tonnes maximum annual operational throughput. Incl: open windrow composting, in-vessel composting, anaerobic digestion, other waste management. Discharges: Any discharge of water or liquid waste that is more than 5m³/day. The water needs to either be discharged to ground (ie to seep away) or to surface water, such as a beck or stream. Discharges to mains sewer are excluded. Water Supply: Large infrastructure such as warehousing / industry where total net additional gross internal floorspace following development is 1,000m² or more. Wind Turbine Safeguarding Zone Classification: Any wind turbine 11metres to blade tip or taller, or has a rotor diameter of 2 metres or more. Consult: Ministry of Defence. Site: Cornwall Wind Turbine Safeguarding Zone Classification: All wind turbine development. Consult: NATS. Site: UK and Northern Ireland Relevant policies, SPGs and Government guidance: Cornwall Local Plan (Adopted 22 November 2016) (CLP)Policy Policy Policy Policy 1-Presumption in favour of sustainable development 12-Design 13-Development standards 26-Flood risk and management and coastal change National Planning Policy Framework (2012) (NPPF)Paragraph 32-Promoting sustainable transport Paragraphs 56, 57, 58, 60 and 61-Requiring good design Paragraph 69-Promoting healthy communities Paragraph 99-Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Appraisal/key issues and conclusion: It was considered unnecessary to carry out a site visit in order to satisfactorily assess this application, due to the proposed development being small scale development and imagery allowed the site to be seen. Ownership certificate ok? Legal agreement? Is design in keeping? Any significant overlooking issues? Any significant loss of light issues? Any impact on protected trees? Any relevant history? Y N N N N Y N Page 3 of 6 If in a conservation area, will the development preserve or enhance? Conservation Area If a listed building, will the development preserve or enhance? Building Any harm impact on public right of way or setting? Public representations? If yes, see Public Access (web) Any identified significant adverse effects on protected species? N Not Not in a a Listed N N Principle of development: The principle of development is acceptable, dependent upon the impact on host dwelling, neighbouring properties and impact on the local area.
Visual impact:
It is considered that the proposed garage will be of subservient scale to the
dwellinghouse and will sit comfortably within the plot leaving a significant amount of
useable amenity space available. The proposed materials will match the existing
dwellinghouse and will not cause harm to the local area. It is considered that the
proposed development is acceptable visually and aligns with Policy 12 of the CLP and
Section 7 of the NPPF.
Residential impact:
The proposed garage location will be sited closer to the boundary and neighbouring
properties, measuring 5.14 metres from 6 Riverside, however no neighbour comments
have been received in receipt of this application. No windows are proposed on the
boundary between 5 and 6 Riverside, therefore the proposed development will not
result in any significant overlooking, overshadowing or overbearing impacts.
Critical Drainage Area:
Due to the size and position of the proposal, it is considered that there is no increased
risk of flooding of the application site or nearby residential properties in accordance
with Paragraph 99 of the NPPF. As the site lies within a critical drainage area, a
condition regarding surface water drainage would be appropriate.
There will be no harm or impact to highways safety as a safe and suitable access
already exists, therefore aligning with paragraph 32 of the NPPF.
Hayle Town Council supports the proposed development.
Conditional approval is recommended
Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states that planning
applications should be determined in accordance with the development plan unless
material considerations indicate otherwise. This application has been determined in
accordance with approved development plan Policies 1 and 12 of the Cornwall Local
Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 and paragraphs 9, 11, 17, 32, and 56-68 of the
National Planning Policy Framework 2012. The proposal has been approved because it
is considered that the development proposal accords with the said policies and there
are no other overriding material considerations, which justify refusing planning
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That this application be approved, subject to the following condition(s).


The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 3
years from the date of this permission.
Reason: In accordance with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and
Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this


For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Notwithstanding details shown on any approved plans, surface water run off
from the development hereby permitted shall not drain to the sewer, but shall
instead be disposed of via an infiltration system in accordance with infiltration
guidance in BRE 365 or CIRIA 156 using a 10-year return period design
standard, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere in accordance with the
aims and intentions of paragraph 103 of the National Planning Policy Framework
and Policy 26 of the Cornwall Local Plan

Existing LOCATION PLAN received 02/01/17
Proposed FRONT + SIDE ELEVATIONS received 02/01/17
Proposed LOCATION PLAN received 02/01/17
Site/location Plan LOCATION PLAN received 02/01/17
Proposed 1 FLOOR PLANS received 12/01/17
Proposed 2 ELEVATIONS received 12/01/17

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Copies of decision notices and documents associated with the decision making
process, where relevant, for the above applications can be found in the Council’s online planning register using the following link and by entering the reference of the
application you are interested in.

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