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180823 Approved with conditions | PA18/00896 | Listed Building Consent: Rear extension | The Angarrack Inn 12 Steamers Hill Anga


Date Published Document Type Measure Drawing Number Description View
  23 Aug 2018 Decision Notice Cannot Measure Document ACLBCZ - CONDITIONAL APPROVAL View Document
  23 Aug 2018 Officer Report Cannot Measure Document DREPORT DELEGATED OFFICER REPORT View Document
  31 Jul 2018 Plan - Proposed Measure Document GS077/02 B PROPOOSED PLANS View Document
  09 Feb 2018 Listed Building Description Measure Document View Document
  27 Jan 2018 Application Form Cannot Measure Document APPLICATIONFORMNOPERSONALDATA View Document





1 The works hereby authorised shall be begun not later than three years from the
date of this consent.

Reason: In accordance with the requirements of Section 18 of the Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended).

2 Prior to commencement of the works hereby permitted, specifications of the roof
structure and how it will adjoin the wall along with a cross section detailing the
siting of the flat roof in relation to the existing openings on the rear wall of the
building, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning
authority. The works shall be carried out and retained thereafter in accordance
with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the architectural and historic interest of this grade II listed
building is preserved in accordance with Policy 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan, the
guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework with particular
regard to Section 16 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990.

3 Prior to the commencement of the works hereby permitted, detailed
specifications of the proposed internal doors from the bar area to the proposed
restaurant shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning
authority. The works shall be carried out and retained thereafter in accordance
with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the architectural and historic interest of this grade II listed
building is preserved in accordance with Policy 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan, the
guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework with particular
regard to Section 16 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990.

4 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning



Site/location Plan GS077/01 received 27/01/18
Proposed GS077/02 B received 31/07/18

Development Management
Planning and Sustainable Development Service


Application number: PA18/00896 Expiry date: 18 April 2018
Received on: 27 January 2018 Neighbour expiry date: NONE CONSULTED
UPRN: 100041215262 Consultation expiry date: 11 July 2018
Legal agreement: N Site notice posted: 15 March 2018
Departure: Site notice expiry: 5 April 2018
Complies with Development Plan? Y/N
If not, ensure you cover in the report how
material considerations outweigh the plan?
Is this decision contrary to local council recommendation?

Applicant: Inn Angarrack Ltd
Site Address:The Angarrack Inn
12 Steamers Hill
TR27 5JB
Proposal: Listed Building Consent: Rear extension
Application Type: Listed Building Consent


Consultee representations:

Historic Environment Planning West Majors ( 10 July 2018)
“This application represents less than substantial harm, as the architectural
character and spatial proportions of this classical proportioned listed building
are altered and has to be considered under policy 134 and Cornwall Local Plan
policies 12 and 24 and sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings
and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

The revised drawing shows the proposed side access. The wall is only in part
made of concrete block and some of it is historic stone wall. Therefore where
the proposed dgate is, any demolition of the stone wall, the stone should be
reused and make good or replace the concrete block work for stone to provide
some conservation gain.

The design of the door as a two panelled door, but the boarding is rather
narrow; please revise?

Historic Environment Planning West Majors ( 10 May 2018)
“This application represents less than substantial harm, as the architectural
character and spatial proportions of this classical proportioned listed building
are altered and has to be considered under policy 134 and Cornwall Local Plan
policies 12 and 24 and sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings
and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

The existing buildings in the rear courtyard are in poor condition and of low
significance. The extension is proposed to occupy the whole yard area without
leaving a maintenance gap. Further information on the current level of seating

Page 2 of 8
provision and the proposed and the minimum viable number would be useful
to assist in evidencing the application, as part of the consideration of the
balance of the less than substantial harm under NPPFP134.
The proposed drawings provide double doors into the rear extension at a width
of 1.2 metres, the same size as the existing part original and part old historic
window and the agent has now agreed in his email dated 19/04/18 to show
that the splay which given the proposal should be retained to show the
evolution of this opening. There are no details of the proposed doors.
The proposed extension occupies of the whole yard for restaurant use with a
flat roof. Currently it is without details of the roof, its structure, how it is going
abut adjoining walls. But a design philosophy should really be an integral part
of the application, as the stone walls are historic part retaining walls.

This large organic shaped space is considered an alien architectural feature to
this traditional classical plan form listed building and it was suggested a more
regular shaped extension is suggested. However the agent states in his email
that is concerned about the leaving unmaintained gaps and bridged dpc. The
agent advises that the flat roof is designed to be hidden from views outside
the site.

Also there probably a change to Steamers Hill as new entrance will be required
to access the flats and it is requested that this is shown on the application
drawings, including the detailing of the gate and wall.

The part original, part historic rear window and the historic four panel door
lying outside, should be donated or sold to a salvage company for reuse or
repairs for another building.

Details of the roof, its structure, how it is going abut adjoining walls.
Details of the proposed doors to be installed in lieu of the window.
Also cross section of the site is requested as the drawings show the flat roof
finishing below the original landing window and stairs and a one over one
window instead of the entrance door to the flats. A cross section would assist
in the understanding of the scale of the works and perhaps the level of
excavation in the rear yard, which is not shown, but assumed from the
drawings. Please clarify?

Drawings, including the detailing of the gate and wall.
Proposed fencing.

Historic Environment Planning West Majors ( 12 March 2018)
“This application by the lack of a HIA informing the proposals and by virtue of
the large extension, with two large lantern lights, picket fence and nonspecified roof covering occupying the whole yard harms the architectural
character and spatial proportions of this classical proportioned listed building
and does not comply with policies NPPFP128 and 134 and Cornwall Local Plan
policies 12 and 24 and sections 66 and 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings
and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

The existing buildings in the rear courtyard are in poor condition and of low
significance. The extension is proposed to occupy the whole yard area without
leaving a maintenance gap. Further information on the current level of seating
provision and the proposed and the minimum viable number would be useful
to assist in evidencing the application. There are other issues with this
application including the loss of window, the lower sash appears to be original
and the upper part a later phase of evolution, but still of some significance.
The proposed means of escape now crosses over a flat a roof, passing lantern
lights and there needs to careful considered for fire resisting materials. Also
the proposed fence also appears to be styled as a wooden picket fence.

Page 3 of 8
The loss of a historic window should be considered carefully and assess
whether it can be reused elsewhere in the building. In the site photos it is
noted that there is a historic four panelled door lying against the rear elevation
of the listed building. This should have been used in the conversion and
treated with intumescent paint. It is also question whether the new door to the
flats is as per the approved scheme?

The proposed drawings provide double doors into the rear extension at a width
of 1.2 metres, the same size as the existing window and they do not show that
the splay which given the proposal should be retained to show the evolution of
this opening. There are no details of the proposed doors.
The occupation of the whole yard for restaurant use with a flat roof without
details of the roof, its structure, how it is going abut adjoining walls, apart
from the listed building, which requires a drawing to demonstrate its low level
of intervention. The roof description in the application form states that it is
single ply roof, and that appears to be all the details.

In a HIA, the design philosophy should be informed by the understanding of
the significance of the building, and include an options appraisal to
demonstrate that the scheme minimises any potential harm. This large organic
shaped space is an alien architectural feature to the listed building and it is
suggested a more regular shaped extension is provided.
Therefore it is suggested a smaller extension is proposed to provide additional
seating area and other pitched roofs explored.

Also cross section of the site is requested as the drawings show the flat roof
finishing below the original landing window and stairs and a one over one
window instead of the entrance door to the flats. A cross section would assist
in the understanding of the scale of the works and perhaps the level of
excavation in the rear yard, which is not shown, but assumed from the
drawings. Please clarify?

Finally there probably would be a change to Steamers Hill as new entrance will
be required to access the flats and it is requested that this is shown on the
drawings, including the detailing of the gate and wall.

Hayle Town Council ( 16 March 2018)
“Hayle Town Council resolved to object to this application in support of the

Historic Environment Team's views.”
Historic England ( 27 February 2018)

Application No. PA18/00896

Thank you for your letter of 21 February 2018 regarding the above application
for listed building consent. On the basis of the information available to date,
we do not wish to offer any comments. We suggest that you seek the views of
your specialist conservation adviser.

It is not necessary for us to be consulted on this application again, unless
there are material changes to the proposals. However, if you would like
detailed advice from us, please contact us to explain your request.

Page 4 of 8

Constraints and designations:

Area of Special Advertisement Control Name: Cornwall. Notes: This information is
derived from the former District and Borough
Councils. Date Approved: 09.11.1981
Critical Drainage Area Critical Drainage Area Name: Hayle. CDA Type: Red
Listed Building Grade II Reference: 70159. Description: THE ANGARRACK INN
Meteorological Safeguarding Zone Location: Camborne Met Station. Criteria:
Consultation required for any developments involving wind turbines
Meteorological Safeguarding Zone Location: Camborne Met Station. Criteria: Any
building, structure or works exceeding 91.4m in height above ground level
Neighbourhood Development Plans Name: Hayle. Status: Examination/Town
Frameworks. Date Made:
Parish Parish Name: Hayle
Railway Line within 200m Name: Plymouth - Penzance. Type: Standard Gauge Track
SSSI Impact Risk Zones All Consultations:
Infrastructure: Pipelines, pylons and overhead cables. Any transport proposal
including road, rail and by water (excluding routine maintenance). Airports, helipads
and other aviation proposals.
Wind and Solar Energy: Solar schemes with footprint > 0.5ha, all wind turbines.
Minerals Oils Gas Extraction: Planning applications for quarries, including: new
proposals, Review of Minerals Permissions (ROMP), extensions, variations to
conditions etc. Oil & gas exploration/extraction.
Rural Non Residential: Large non residential developments outside existing
settlements/urban areas where footprint exceeds 1ha.
Residential: Residential development of 50 units or more.
Rural Residential: Any residential development of 50 or more houses outside existing
settlements/urban areas.
Air Pollution: Any industrial/agricultural development that could cause AIR POLLUTION
(incl: industrial processes, pig & poultry units, slurry lagoons > 200m² & manure
stores > 250t).
Combustion: General combustion processes >20MW energy input. Incl: energy from
waste incineration, other incineration, landfill gas generation plant,
pyrolysis/gasification, anaerobic digestion, sewage treatment works, other
incineration/ combustion.
Waste: Landfill. Incl: inert landfill, non-hazardous landfill, hazardous landfill.
Composting: Any composting proposal with more than 500 tonnes maximum annual
operational throughput. Incl: open windrow composting, in-vessel composting,
anaerobic digestion, other waste management.
Discharges: Any discharge of water or liquid waste of more than 5m³/day to ground
(ie to seep away) or to surface water, such as a beck or stream (NB This does not
include discharges to mains sewer which are unlikely to pose a risk at this location).
Water Supply: Large infrastructure such as warehousing / industry where net
additional gross internal floorspace is > 1,000m² or any development needing its own
water supply .

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Wind Turbine Safeguarding Zone Classification: Any wind turbine 11metres to
blade tip or taller, or has a rotor diameter of 2 metres or more. Consult: Ministry of
Defence. Site: Cornwall
Wind Turbine Safeguarding Zone Classification: All wind turbine development.
Consult: NATS. Site: UK and Northern Ireland

Relevant policies, SPGs and Government guidance:

Cornwall Local Plan: Strategic Policies 2010-2030:
Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Policy 12 Design
Policy 24 Historic environment
National Planning Policy Framework 2018
Section 2. Achieving sustainable development
Section 12. Achieving well-designed places
Section 16. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Planning Practice Guidance
Cornwall Design Guide 2013
Section 16(2) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as
Hayle Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2030

Appraisal/key issues and conclusion:


The application seeks permission for an extension to the rear the Angarrack Inn which
is Grade II listed. A separate planning application has also been submitted
(PA18/00895). The public house is location within the centre of the village of
Angarrack and the single storey extension will occupy the rear courtyard area of the
pub to provide a larger seating area for the restaurant.

The building has been used as an Inn since c1880, the building is a two-storey double
fronted property and has a large car park to the front. The first floor is used as
residential accommodation.

The extension will be flat roofed with roof lanterns to allow light into the restaurant
area and covers the whole of the courtyard area. The works will involve the removal
of an existing timber shed within the courtyard, an access to the first floor
accommodation across the roof.

Balance of considerations

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The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 sets out the general
duty as respect to Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. In considering whether to
grant listed building consent for any works the local planning authority shall have
special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any
features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses (S16 (2)).
Section 16 paragraphs 184-202 of the National Planning Policy Framework states that
Local planning authorities should identify and asses the particular significance of any
heritage asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting
the setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence and any
necessary expertise. They should take this assessment into account when considering
the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid or minimise conflict between the
heritage assets conservation and any aspect of the proposal.

Paragraph 196 of the NPPF states that where a development proposal will lead to less
than substantial harm to the significance of a designated heritage asset, this harm
should be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal including, where
appropriate, securing its optimum viable use. The proposal is considered to adhere to
this policy.

There have been various negotiations between the planning agents and the Councils
Historic Environment Officer during the process of the application and further
information and plans have been received supporting the proposal to overcome the
initial concerns from the Historic Environment Officer.
Due to the siting of the extension to the rear of the existing building and the scale of
the extension being single storey, it will not be prominent in its setting and it will be
well screened by the existing boundary wall along Steamers Hill. In visual terms
there will be no adverse impact to the visual amenities of the area and it is not
considered to be a prominent structure in the street scene. The extension will enable
the business to expand at the benefit for the local community. The extension is
considered to respect the character of the existing listed building. The proposal is
therefore in accordance with policies 12 & 23 of the Cornwall Local Plan, Sections 12 &
16 of the NPPF and with policy HB1 of the Hayle Neighbourhood Plan.

Further information will be requested by way of planning condition with regards to the
roof structure and how it will adjoin the walls and detailed specifications on the
proposed doors that will replace the window to the rear of the pub, a cross section of
the site showing the extension and roof line in relation to the existing building to
understand the scale of the proposed works.

In summary, it is considered that the proposed works would help to preserve and
enhance this existing listed dwelling, with the works being sympathetic to the listed
building status. It is therefore concluded this application represents less than
substantial harm, as the architectural character and spatial proportions of this
classical proportioned listed building are altered and has to be considered under policy
196 and Cornwall Local Plan policies 12 and 24 and section 16 of the Planning (Listed
Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

Response to objections

Objections were received from the Town Council reflecting the concerns raised from
the Historic Environment Officer in relation to the impact on the listed building. The
Historic Environment Officer has since removed their objections to the proposal during
the processing of the applications and additional information received. The Town
Council now concur with their comments and are able to offer support to the proposal.

Page 7 of 8


Taking these factors into account, on balance it is considered that the proposal is
acceptable, subject to conditions. All other matters raised have been taken into
account, including the planning history and the comments of the Town Council, but
none is of such significance as to outweigh the considerations that have led to the


That this application be approved, subject to the following condition(s).


1 The works hereby authorised shall be begun not later than three years from the
date of this consent.
Reason: In accordance with the requirements of Section 18 of the Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended).

2 Prior to commencement of the works hereby permitted, specifications of the roof
structure and how it will adjoin the wall along with a cross section detailing the
siting of the flat roof in relation to the existing openings on the rear wall of the
building, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning
authority. The works shall be carried out and retained thereafter in accordance
with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the architectural and historic interest of this grade II listed
building is preserved in accordance with Policy 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan, the
guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework with particular
regard to Section 16 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990.

3 Prior to the commencement of the works hereby permitted, detailed
specifications of the proposed internal doors from the bar area to the proposed
restaurant shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning
authority. The works shall be carried out and retained thereafter in accordance
with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the architectural and historic interest of this grade II listed
building is preserved in accordance with Policy 24 of the Cornwall Local Plan, the
guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework with particular
regard to Section 16 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990.

4 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
plans listed below under the heading "Plans Referred to in Consideration of this

Page 8 of 8

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Site/location Plan GS077/01 received 27/01/18
Proposed GS077/02 B received 31/07/18
Copies of decision notices and documents associated with the decision making
process, where relevant, for the above applications can be found in the Council’s online planning register using the following link and by entering the reference of the
application you are interested in.


From Eatout Cornwall Angarrack Inn